Julie and Joe Gonzales
Julie and Joe Gonzales
Julie and Joe Gonzales
Julie and Joe Gonzales
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OWL Agent Snowy
OWL ID Card Officer
OWL ID Cards
Hi, Hi, This is Snowy. The Professor made me OWL ID Card Officer. It is a big job issuing, collecting and distributing all the cards.
There are 40 OWL Agents in all, each with their own OWL ID Card. Each card displays the agent's picture, name and class (from Prep to year 6), the agent's personality and a print-out of the agent's personality profile. There are sixteen different personalities and you can learn quite a lot about an OWL Agent by reading their personality profile.

If you visit the library often, looking for good books to read, you are almost certain to find an OWL ID Card inside the front cover of a library book. Congratulations! Owl Agents only leave their OWL ID Cards in the very best library books! Owls, as you may know, are extremely fussy about things like that.
So what do you do if you happen to find an OWL ID Card inside a book? Well, the first thing is to check the OWL Agent's class level. If it is the same or close to your own class level you should definitely consider borrowing the book. You can then earn yourself one (1) OWL Merit Point. You just have to write your name on the back of the OWL ID Card, using the felt-tip pen provided and post it in the box at OWL Headquarters. If the book is for a much senior or junior year level, please just put it back where you found it and continue looking.
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